eBooks & Audiobooks

Discover eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines for all ages with Libby by Overdrive!

HCCPL participates in the state-wide Kentucky Libraries Unbound (KLU) consortium of over 90 libraries to provide digital content through Overdrive. We are able to provide a much better service for our residents by combining our resources with other libraries throughout the state.

Libby by Overdrive

Overdrive has an app you can use on most devices called Libby. You can download Libby from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Microsoft.

  1. Download the app.
  2. Search for Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library.
  3. Select Kentucky Libraries Unbound.
  4. Enter your library card number (including all numbers, letters, and symbols). Your library card number can be found on the back of your library card.

K-12 eBooks

No library card required!

  • TeenBookCloud: TBC is a collection of videos and chapter books, including eBooks (Shakespeare, poetry, non-fiction, science, history, geography, etc.), read-alongs, graphic novels, videos (from National Geographic), and audiobooks.
  • TumbleBookLibrary: K-6 children’s eBook database for fiction and nonfiction, and includes story books, read-alongs, graphic novels, nonfiction, videos (from National Geographic), language learning tools, and puzzles and games.

Library Closed Dec 24-25 and 31 & Jan 1

Due to the current renovation, we will not be taking book donations at this time.

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