
HCCPL offers a variety of programming for all ages. Visit our calendar to see our current schedule.

Epic Hour

Every Tuesday from 5PM to 6PM for grade K-12.

Activities such as games and crafts.

                  • Kids’ Club: Grades K-3
                  • Be*Tween: Grades 4-7
                  • Teen Time: Grades 8-12

Story Time

Every Wednesday from 10am to 11am.

We read to the children and have small activities.


Every Friday from 10-11am for ages 5 and under.

Activities to engage the senses, all involving physical activities from tunnels to stepping blocks and music.

Book Clubs

                  • Books-at-the-Bar
                    • Held the last Tuesday every month at 6pm @ Hopkinsville Brewing Company.
                  • Dark Reads Book Club
                    • Held the third Thursday every month at 5:30pm to 6:30pm @ HCCPL.
                  • Book Club To-Go

Genealogy in the Stacks

Need help accessing your genealogy? Check out our page.


You can rent a bike from the library! In partnership with Parks and Recreation, we’re offering the Book-A-Bike program. Adult, youth, and training wheel bikes are available. Helmets are also available upon request.

Learn more about the Book-A-Bike program here.

Seed Library

Seed libraries are a way to have fun, while building a sense of community with fellow gardeners and providing support to new comers to the world of gardening. To check out seeds, come to the library front desk to ask what we have available.

Learn more about the seed library here.

Annual Programs

We have several programs the we offer each year, when possible. This includes, but is not limited to, Summer Reading, Hoptown FanFest, Harry Potter Book Night, HollowRead and Spring Fling. You can learn more about Summer Reading here and Hoptown FanFest here.

Library Closed Dec 24-25 and 31 & Jan 1

Due to the current renovation, we will not be taking book donations at this time.

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